
Dawn Frink

My husband Jim and I were married in 1986 and have three children all of whom were homeschooled throughout their primary and secondary education. Our oldest graduated from AppState and is in full time ministry with Cru, our middle completed her graduate degree at UNC Chapel Hill and is working as a speech language pathologist, and our youngest completed his degree in communications at Gardner-Webb University and currently works in their admissions department. I share these details as an encouragement that it can be done!

I received a Master's Degree in Social Work with a specialization in families and children from UNC Chapel Hill in 1993 and have found that body of knowledge and experience beneficial in my personal life as well as when working with other families and the variety of dynamics they present. 

I have been administering the Woodcock Johnson Tests of Achievement and providing support, guidance, and encouragement to homeschool families since 2009. For students, my first goal is to provide a relaxed and comfortable environment in which they can demonstrate their strengths and weaknesses recognizing that understanding both is integral for growth. For parents, I strive to interpret the results of the test in a way that provides meaningful and practical information for planning the next phase of their student's academic journey. For both, I seek to maximize the time spent by casting a vision of possibility and success. 

While navigating your child's education is a challenging call, the rewards are great. My goal is to support families in their educational journey with resources, creative ideas, and practical counsel. Trained through the Augustine Literacy Project as well as Diane Craft's struggling learner resources, I share techniques for learning with students and techniques for teaching with homeschooling parents. I hope to be able to serve you in your pursuit of excellence.


Victoria Cooley

homeschooled for 16 years and graduated all three of her children into college while directing a very large homeschool support group.  Her work at a homeschool book store, The Homeschool Gathering Place, keeps her current on all the new curriculum trends. She is knowledgeable about all styles of homeschooling, different types of curriculum and loves to help parents develop their own personal educational plan for their children.  She is available to administer the basic battery and provide detailed consultations on starting homeschool, planning for high school and transcript preparation.  Victoria is also a popular speaker on a variety of homeschool topics.